20 de gener 2007

First facial

My first beautician's facial. And it felt almost as good. Imagine being pampered all over the face and getting all these refreshing products.
After that my face felt baby-butt soft. I fucked it up the same night going on a bar-tour. But I needed alcohol. And it's killed the braincells which were just bothering too much with neurotic thoughts and fears. I am getting closer to some memories, maybe some of you are part of them and can recognize yourselves there. I will be more able to update from February on.
Leaving proof. Un peto a tothom!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

oh dear me, when i read this i was thinking "what does she mean with a facial" ok now even i understand...sorry for even thinking what i was thinking...anyway, ´t´was nice rading your page, well the 10% i understood.
all the very best to you. see you around....