22 d’abril 2007


Almost more interesting than a book. Just an unexpected sunny Sunday. The park was ablast and the fauna very funny. How are we so social and at the same time we search our own identity groups, and it works. If you looked at the groups around you could see it then. The one in front of me was clearly a gay lesbian gathering. Whether I am very observing or those two girls on top of each other smooching made the kick. But bunch next to them were these very pale cloggies, looking like part of the marketing sector of an enterprise and not quite used to casual clothes. That or the fact that they were pale and playing with casino chips and drinking corona on their free time made me somehow create a match.
I would have gladly jumped into the gay gathering, introduce myself and ask how they met. But in the park grouping I was the one who woke up alone after a bit too many drink, put on some clothes on, was going to work all night and trying to get some sleep. To no avail. After watching them the book was boring.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Quin llibre?

Selveta ha dit...

Kundera, Identitat. Jo no se pq Kundera se m'ha fet avorrit amb els anys. Després va un llibre de Joost Zweggerman (crec k es diu)i després reenganxo amb la teva proposta. Aquest any no serà gaire productiu en lectures