12 d’abril 2007

barreja de dies

I de llengües? I will be posting in bilingual, trilingual sorry, and with no order, to honour the blog's title. A que el títol del blog es reflecteix al caos lingüístic que desprenc?
I demà vaig a Alemanya, to top it of!
Estic preparant-me per sortir una estoneta a fer quatre voltes al parc. l'estamina. És que funciono amb energia solar. Subidón que porto amb la primavera, redéu!
L'altre dia per variar vaig anar a nedar: annarnedar. Mai més. Nie mehr. And now the English description, because I was observing n English, sorry.
The whales:
I have to say for the sake of the konijlijke rijk van Nederland that people are not as whale-ish as the cabezorros. But there are still a huge amount of floating bodies blocking the lanes for swimmers. Why don't they go to the general, bigger and recreative lane? It is a mistery to me. Maybe they think they are swimming... So this woman totally moving her arms like a mill (she was Dutch) occupied the whole lane swimming(?) on her back and even complaining if she would hit someone. Qué gilipollas! In the crawl swimmers lane there was a whale, but she swam wonderfully. Apologies for misjudging her when I saw her coming. There is only one lane where you can actually swim and you are allowed only crawl... discriminating swimmers, endevé, and I like to change stiles every now and then. Besides the doctor recommended me to do backstyle, but due to the floating turds in swimming suits it is almost impossible. I do care not to bump into anyone, but they don't. So it is a bit unconfortable to trn around every 2 strikes to make sure no turd came your way.
Besides. The pool was disgusting, which is strange because even old and yellowish, it tends to be quite clean. While swimmng I got stuck on an algi-like bundle of hair, I almost drawn in black curls and pubic wires. Ah, and saw at least two plasters, can people not keep an eye on that? ieeww!
So my swimming ended as usual, upset. But I was too relaxed to start splashing floating bodies. I love to do it, because they get desperate, as if they were going to drown. I need to raise awareness to them, and since I cannot talk on the water, I tend to show them that the lane is to SWIM. I wonder what are livesavers for. They should fish them out and put them in the kid's pool to practice.
Ahhh my favourite. KIDS. Lovely. Swimmers have about 1:30 hours to do lanes, then the pool will be used for courses or clubs. BUT. Kid's lessons start just about 30 min after the lane swimming. So they take one lane and eventually kick you out of another (great for swimmers) During my frustration due to the incapability to swim normally I could observe the kids and I actually enjoyed it. Some are so annoying, some so sweet... you can see it as they dive and how some already grow the unawareness of sharing a lane. But the difference is that the floating ones don't complaint and try their best to be on the side for their own sake. Yep, some adults should learn from kids.
After this experience i decided to lay a bit in the whirlpool. Since hte swimming pool is goverment funded, the water in the whirlpool is rather cold, and they provide 10 minutes bubbles and 10 minutes still, I guess alltogether to save money. But I enjoyed 10 minutes of sitting and cursing the floating bodies in my thoughts. It helped me come to terms with it, relax a bit and promise myself not to go swimming anymore. After all it seems a swimming pool is thought for some to float and not to swim. I suggest they call it: floating pool, it would make more justice.
A quick listing of the fauna you find there:
1- the horny buggers who come to scan you from the outside and in the water, swimming behind you to see between your legs.
2- the hot babes, who are usually no more than two and usually together. You don't care if they swim, they tend to go to the general pool, no lane, because they will just kinda move and make sure the bikini (no swimming suit) won't slip (and type 1 is already supervising that)
3- les Teresines. The grannies. The absolute "don't give a shit about others", hey, they go to the pool already 10 years. Be lucky if they are 2. They also tend to occupy the general side and swim in blockades of 2 and 3. A barricade of flowery hats. Not the strongest tide would set them apart or keep them from chatting the 2 hours they spend floating. They are like bikes for Holland. Gods in flowery patterns.
4- oh I hate those ones. They think they can swim and are geared semi professionally. They do loud arm moves while their legs can never make it to the surface. Yeah, you sink, because you ain't got any idea. You are slow, annoying and arrogant.
5- I talked about the floating turds in the swimming lanes already. Nr 4 is a sub group, but at least they keep up a pace, ergo, they move. This group is predominant, they have no job, come regularly, have their regular lane and they still don't get it: they know shit about swimming and prevent real swimmers to come.
6- the swimmers. I guess I belong to this group. They follow a scheduled exercise in a regular pace. Some are really quick, and I am probably a sub 4 for them. But i am aware and yield, because they are doing serious stuff. You will find them in the crawl lane, condemned to crawl, because of all the others. That lane is rather organized, no collisions, the fastest go first, the slowliers after. There is hierarchy and respect, because they understand what swimming is about. Sometimes you get the so called sharks, overtaking constantly and pushing you to follow their pace. Some can be annoying, but you have to show respect. They should do 2 lanes of them. In Asutralia they have 3 lanes (at leastin the uni-swimming pool): fast, medium-slow. So as you cmoe you can check the speeds and adapt. Life would be much easier if the concept could be adopted in other countries.
7- Mother with child: Tedious! Even in the general lane, they not only float but keep an eye on the offspring constantly. It is annoying, because the offsprings tend to do whatever they like because they are permitted and take advantage of the overprotective stage of the parents in an environment like water. Luckly some swimming pools dedicate them some days, so they can annoy each other and the kids can socialise and start building their won hierarchy. Unfortunately some swimming pools consider them as normal crowd, they are not. They are multiplied, asynchronous and unequal. They deserve their own family day.

There are sure other categories, but these are the main you confront.
So no more swimming for me in artificial pools. I know of someone who will be happy to hear this. I gave up.