19 de juny 2007


Bona tarda a la vila dels canals!

This afternoon I had another long trip to shops trying to get a guitar swapped.
I have my first(second-first) guitar now. Of course the first one I bought was faulty. I am used to not getting things in order the first time.
I went jogging as well. The previous day we had a wonderful festival on the park, it was beautiful and so nice to see everyone I expected to be there... It was well worth it, although a bit muddy and as far as I can recall, also a bit trueb...
The park was slowly looking like a park again.

Today I was wondering why, why this after dreaming of sth unrelated I cannot recall.
Sometimes it jsut comes and invades my thoughts. Today it was a song. Yeah, you know everybody have that "our song". Mine is very irrelevant and has to be sang out of tune. I listened to it at least 10 times. I first laughed, then i wanted to cry, let cristal clear tears that bring me crystal clear memories. The ones with smell and touch, with voice and echoing laughs. I don't think I like remembering, but alas. Always in my mind. From time to time. Never really want to talk about it. It made me sad to have the memories so far. So long ago.

I went running in the park. Found out someone was feeding the dirty pigeons. They leave them bread. I remembered how filthy they are. Is there any campaign about them?
I looked in the Internet and it seems people will get a fine for drinking in some areas or smoking joints, but not for feeding the pigeos.
Really unfair.
Went up to the lady who was carrying the bread and runned faster to her, got in front of her and lokked at her in anger and hate.
I guess that stupid lady wondered why I looked at her like that.
Some people should be banned from bakeries

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Pues sí, cuando se te han cagado varias palomas encima no tienes mucha simpatía por los que les dan de comer. Estoy de acuerdo.
Al final no sé si bajo a Barna en julio, otra vez cambio de planes, tendré que esperar una semana más.
Y, BTW, tu canción no es "Confortably Numb"?
Aquí estoy bebiendo café indagando sobre el sudeste asiático.

Selveta ha dit...

I wish you were here. Parlava de la meva cansó amb ua persona en concret.
Molt fort. Em llevo al maí següent, i pum! la ràdio despertador em llea de nou amb les mateixes. Peus de mico per nosaltres. No se pq de vegades es cola al meus pensaments, com una intrusió que no puc controlar. En fins. Si no vas a BCN digue'm quan et puc venir a veure, vinga... I passo uns dies amb tu a Berlin