09 de maig 2007

happy new age

How strange is life... It is really a weird trip. Here I am listening to jazz tunes, bringing me memories of my last over-30 b-day. Mensch! I was so down!
Not that I am the cheeriest chicky in the stall right now, but strangely, I couldn't care less to get older. Differences, growing up.

o Some friends have been quite surprised to find me quite chilled about motherhood.
Whatever the bullocks. I will still though repeat my mantra: people, adopt! The
world is overpopulated. Travel and see.

o Last year my presents involved themes like music and sex. This year I got
anti-stress thingies (do I have to get the message?)

o I have been enormously blessed to receive many calls and mails and hugs. I have
never appreciated it so much. And that makes me wanna spread love to everyone!

o I found myself drooling for a huge sweating chocolate man in the sauna (during my
anti stress therapy present). Wait! that hasn't changed, but would you believe that
even though he was butt naked I didn't even try to look at his genitals? not even a

o I am having the anxiety attacks I had when I was 20 (isn't that cute?)

o I actually carried a 1:30h phone conversation 2 times this week with people other
than my two best friends. I guess, not working with phones allows me to get wild

o I have been officially told I drink too much. And of course, as the control freak I
am I will do something about it tomorrow or next Monday.

o I got surprised of my TV knowledge until 1996. Wow, there are things you don't
forget even not caring about them. I thought it wasn't possible. I don't think it
works the other way around.

o I am going to my first rock festival ever and I don't care being called a hippie.
I was one once in my previous life anyway. Although I begin to think I was a man
instead of a woman... Which makes very weird my affair with Jim Morrison, not
because of me being gay, but for him being bisexual. Well, it was the 60's anyway.

Today's feelings: Mental enema

3 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Happy birthday! Sorry that it is a bit late. OK, this year I have even forgotten the birthday of my mother, sounds like lame excuse anyway.... Wish you just to be happy! I am sure you can handle that.

Selveta ha dit...

If only... Something a-missing...

Anònim ha dit...

Nena... estàs pitjor del que em pensava, eh? Ai, ai, quan vinguis a Barcelona --la ciutat on vas néixer t'agradi o no :-)-- hem d'intentar que facis net, eh? O si més no, que facis brut deixant aquí tota la merda perquè puguis tornar a Amsterdam i no t'agafin més atacs d'ansietat del nassos. Escolta, com a tata petita, que normalment a exercit de germana gran/mare sobretot en qüestió de sermons, et dic que em comences a fer patir, eh?

Apa-li, un petonet i ens veiem ben aviat!!!

Com diria una amiga meva: Descansa i sobretot no t'oblidis de respirar! ;-)