I don't know where to begin with.
If you remember my e-mails I was hoping for a new, very challenging work and have a chance to leave my not so challenging current one. I thought I wouldn't be able to spread the good news...
BUT. GRAB A SEAT: I got the job!!!
I came yesterday back from my holidays and was invited to the manager's office expecting the worst. After 3 weeks holiday it could have been that they had found a "real" engineer...
But it is true. Although they have to find me a replacement. Anyone speaking Spanish, English and German interested in moving to Amsterdam to perform a technical customer oriented well remunerated job? AFRI???!!!! Then pass me your CV. I still have a room available in my flat, so no worries with lodging...
I am going to become a network engineer. It sounds really cool. So now I have to gather energies to learn, learn and learn so I can be as geeky as it gets!
03 de febrer 2007
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1 comentari:
Selveta!! moltes felicitats per la nova feina, doncs! la veritat és pis té un aspecte fantàstic, recordo els dies de caos quan vaig estar per allà, jijijij. a veure si et deixes caure per la teva ciutat natal. completely single? això mereix unes birres... o una sessió de "caking", jajaja. muas, muas, muas!
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