30 de maig 2014

90 days of love and gratitude. Warm up

Quite amazingly I felt inspired by a friend who was counting everything worth being thanked every day for 100 days. But see my last post, I had already begun without even realising. I see if the habit sinks in and I am able to be influenced by positive only!

As I was going back to a compilation of those great things two comments so far just temporarily blocked my faith in human race. I am currently sitting in class, warming the chair and the teacher throws a question regarding shark culling. 
 Australia newcomers all express their fear when going into the water...Fear of sharks (well done, media!). Well, he says, "how safe would it be then if they had people patrolling the ocean and shooting at sharks?" 
I know, right! I wanted to jump off my chair and give a whole speech against  shark culling,
speciesism, guns and how ethically wrong it was to throw such a question in an educational facility...

It is their habitat, we are just guests, for love's sake!. But I don't say anything, I am procrastinating my many duties of the week and I have decided to write a bit more in my blog. And this is giving me a lot of material! During that improptu debate someone throws the pearl: well, how can they make sure they have killed them all? - What if they come back? The worst is how others handle the question. It is all about their right to bathe shark free. They are concerned that "killing sharks with a gun" might hurt people by accident... I kept my mouth shut. And I choose to learn the lesson. 
We should be ashamed of saying these things in public. Yet, we are not. This shows the current Zeitgeist. That there is a lot of education missing... People need help, how can I help? As I have discovered this week,  the ones who vote the current government are everywhere. But this sort of non-conscious behaviour is fear. Fear keeps your mind closed and makes you think that you'll be attacked by a shark if you take a dip in the water, for example. Or that gays create Global Warming. Or that  coal is  good for the economy...
And just like that I realise how lucky I am to sit here and be learning this lesson, I listen and try to understand what their fears are, where they come from.

And after sharing my experience from a classroom, back to love and thanking. 
This is my week's compilation Thursday to Thursday:

Thursday MAY 22 - Happy days! I was meeting someone and he didn't show up. The universe heard me. I have a proper eveining off!. The begining of a new era with my flat in Amsterdam started. One of my best wines on special and a 5 min catch up with my favourite flattie. She makes me happy! I drink a bit too much wine, but I am so grateful to have this evening for myself! 

Friday MAY  23:    I don't get to sleep enough, but I am thankful of that overbooked flight one Christmas eve. I love seeing us now. We were meant to meet, lovely to see how we evolve...
Saturday 24:        Best reading session on a cliff. Talking to Nadish that evening just made my day.
Sunday 25:          I offer to massage some of my flatmates. I felt like it. It filled the room with beautiful essential oils and I got energised to see their happy faces afterwards.
Monday26:          I took the bus to school. It helped me interiorise one of the laws of success: Enjoy as if you would be getting what you want and don't be dependent on the outcome.
Tuesday 27:        A beer case for a teacher's b-day, he shared a bottle with each. I hadn't had such a nice, needed beer in a long time.
Wednesday 28:   I had one hour for myself to do leisurely activities. I put my energy in a dream house. And I dream on...
 Thursday 29:     Catch up with an old friend. Made me smile, lovely musician on stage in the bar. Little girl crush develops. Come home smiling.

I  keep working on letting go and I am able to dream! This is the life.