I say this because we briefly elaborated an "Alfa person" theory in a bar on a gracht and now I am determined to scratch it out and put the bits together. Another on the list to come.
I haven't drunk coffee a couple of days now and I get a stiff neck and a headache. I didn't mean to, I just forgot to make any yesterday and thought it was cool to stay so for some days. But 'so' describes me now with a 2 day buzzing head, painful sleep (the one you wake up with a stiff tongue, dried and cut in cracks) and the whole day long ready to go to the neighbour's to visit the cat, and getting distracted on the process. I got dressed, which is a great achievement, and put my coat on. then I got distracted with the problems of globalisation related to the impact in the enviroment and kinda kept sitting like this and clicking pages until I somehow ended up reading about David Fincher's films. Isn't it amazing how we change subjects?
What one thing can so remotely connect to the other?
Like my unability to get dressed. I would do much more outdoors if I didn't have to get dressed. One day I will pass a fashion list of my indoors models. I think that if I don't go out that much it is because I am too lazy to get dressed. It used to happen to me as well back when I was a young girl and lived with my parents. And it was winter. Only winter could do that. It was just cozy to stay in my pajamas. Since I live in a cold country this happens over and over, day by day. I usually leave with my pajamas on and a long coat on top. To the supermarket, to the post office, to the library and back. It takes me at least one hour to convince myself to get some shoes on.
Strange. When the weather is nice it goes the other way around. Nothing compresses, nothing bothers. I just wear dresses, if the chance allows it with nothing else underneath, on the beach, same same, nothing if possible, topless a rule. Shoes ain't a problem, as you can slip them in like slippers. I just have to wait for those months a year (or 15 days in Holland) and try to take one month holidays to anywhere warm. And think that life could be like that.
Such a prelude just to show around and say I'm fine. And looking forward to hear from all. Particularly one person, I won't name her here, but will write soon.
Anyhoo, below a picture sent by Cris. As she came to NL for some days and we got to hang around (però no vam fer prou mal...). Pity we missed a good bar session.
I must say I'm not that satified with my image, and I don't really want to post images of myself, but a promise is a promise. And otherwise she looks sooo cute!
7 comentaris:
Ayer envié la Bewerbung a las 11.40 pm. Tardarán dos semanas en decir algo (wenn überhaupt). Te mantendré informada.
Y no estoy de acuerdo con este comentario, tú siempre estás elaborando hipótesis, no solo te dedicas a observar el entorno, siempre sacas conclusiones. Otra cosa es que yo esté de acuerdo...Te dejo, que sigo con lo mío. Ocho días para el concierto de NIN. Molts petons.
Yoyo, he comprat entrades pel concert de NIN a Amsterdam!!!!!!!
Hi vaig el dia 22. t'informo
Tens entrades de NIN? Con quién vas? Bueno, pero como consigas pases de backstage te voy a odiar. Y mucho. Así que: vas al concierto, lo pasas bien y a casita. Yoyo.
Y nada de hacer streap tease cuando toquen Closer. Que te conozco.
Que yo también puedo ser muy celosa si me lo propongo. Digo.
g'day!! ole,ole, que has penjat la foto :o))) segueixo dient que estàs preciosa, as usual... corroboro afirmació Yoyo, sempre estàs elucubrant... la qüestió potser és si arribes enlloc...
ah! i la sessió aquesta que esmenes queda pendent!!!!! que no perdono, jejejeje. tu si que ets cute :o)
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