No life sountrack. No clouded mind and the word of the week: procrastination.
I have realized of traces of what I could call a profile of my personality disorder.
Findingout is great, since to me everyone has some little mental disorder, some of us are extremely demanding tothemselves, some the lazy kind, some susceptible, others shy... And I am passive-agressive.
I add some of the features, deleted the ones that don't really apply:
Avoiding responsibility by claiming forgetfulness
Blaming others
Chronic lateness and forgetfulness
Does not express hostility or anger openly - (e.g., expresses it instead by leaving notes)
Fear of authority
Fear of competition
Fear of dependency
Fear of intimacy (infidelity as a means to act out anger)
Fosters chaos
Intentional inefficiency
Making excuses
Losing things
Resists suggestions from others
My two best friends agree it does apply. So there you go.
I feel much better since then, silly enough. I just thought I can't get pissed off, but I guess I sublimate into a complete mess. It would be easier to get angry, but I never think I will get anything out of it.
I mean, I have been quite angry lately, but how do you act it out?
I guess I connect anger to revenge, and even if they call it sweet or so, I feel destroyed if the subject, being a person, would get damaged. Doesn't work for me, but I guess I still have to change my attitude.
I don't want to get ambiguous (eeeh!)
Gracias Zi.4 por tu postal. I've been meaning to write you my sweet ode to the sign of the times, but I have been a bit too busy procrastinating. I will make a time to come down to Bayern, but I have a big flat moving coming on. I was stressing before and I reckon it will be a bit of a hell. Mostly for the pocket.
No, no more flat talks until the flat comes, which will occupy a whole month of boring posts.
Well, enough for today. Checking out and lying down to stay awake all night!