14 d’agost 2011

nose updates

I don't remember if I was 10 or 12. What I remember is that I loved playing competitive games in my parent's swimming pool with the kids I grew up with. From swimming to diving, I spent hours in the pool from sunrise to sunset.
During that time I really liked this guy. All I remember is that he was a great swimmer... And his speedos :-&.
My best friend was playing as well, he had just thrown me out of the spring board and I was diving towards the stair when I felt something that pushed me to the bottom of the pool. It was my best friend's heel... On my nose.
The pain was excruciating. They put me under cold water and I hardly bled. Weeks later my nose was out of place and as I was developing, and coming from a family of prominent noses, my nose was very big and crooked.
Bad for my teenage years. I was known as the girl with the eagle nose. Big and red at the top, most of the pictures I have from that time were me with open mouth, as I couldn't breathe through my nostrils.

When I was 16 we booked my operation. Correction of the nasal septum. I shared room with a girl who just began at my school and was being operated of the same, the same day and from the same doctor.
We had lots of fun while in hospital. We probably spent 3 days there. My friends came to visit me. I even enjoyed hospital food and managed to lose weight. When I was a teenager I was obsessed with loosing weight as my body slowly developed from a sporty figure to a full figure woman: big boobs, big butt, big trouble... as I was always on competitions and weight played a role.
Weeks later the operation failed. The tip of my nose fell. I went back to hospital, this time a little correction... they broke my septum again. I left it there as I was able to breathe great and I managed to be more effective in my training. All was sweet.

My Rudolph nose reappeared 10 years later during a liaison translator job in Frankfurt. The tip of my nose developed a perfect round red circle and it was painful to touch. I used to disguise it with make up and some balm a doctor gave me.
3 years later that round spot gained relief and I was able to push it down. Puss always came from the right side and it was a question of weeks that the spot would come back.
Until one day it was so prominent that I squeezed it and puss and blood came out of the skin like a hose and opened a big hole on the tip of my nose.
The doctors that checked me found a strange body in my nose. It turned out to be another mistake from the doctor in Barcelona. He used the wrong thread.
Nose was open, they found a donour and nose was... totally replaced. It was an emergency operation as I was at risk to let the infection come into the breathing channel and to my brain.

Long story short, during a trip to Brazil March 2010 I found out my nose was tender again and I had puss coming from both sides.
Back to the hospital and new appointment for operation. Number 4.

Since images speak louder than words, it has been now 1 and a half months from there, and this is how it has evolved:

Day one, still a bit dizzy from the anaesthetics. See they used my left ear to fill my nose. Ear is covered, it was bloddy. I was in Amsterdam, I couldn't help thinking of the pain Van Gogh must have gone through.

Week one, eyes already almost normal. They were quite puffy for a while.

Week 2. They removed the cast. I had some plastic discs on the sides of the nose. It was annoying and disgusting, since my pores couldn't breathe and a lot of dirt and sweat would build a creamy film. They were painful to carry, later on I developed a bleeding sore from the plastic cutting through my skin.

Last visit to the hospital JUL 19. They removed everything. I could breathe!

As per today. Sitting and blogging (and exercising the art of procrastination). This is my beautiful side. The nose got a bit misplaced, I think because I jumped in Barcelona from the very board that was the beginning of all. When I dove in the pool I felt a weird pressure. I think that's when the nose got a bit misplaced.

The tip has moved a bit to the left. It is hard to appreciate on the naked eye, so overall I am quite happy with the result.
The bio-stitches have fallen from the ear, but I still have stitches on one side of the nose. They won't fall. It is a bit painful to touch. Yesterday I attempted to pull them. Ouch!
Ok, I will wait.

Whenever I'll have more time to procrastinate I will scan images I brought from Europe, where you could see the hole that developed in my nose.


Fent brut per fer net.
It is quiet in my head.

2 comentaris:

postbabylon ha dit...

en hora buena, tu si que tienes narrizes!

Pasxalina ha dit...

Niceeee! Congrats :)