09 de desembre 2010

When everything around me started spinning, when I was praying the Universe to change things for the better, a rain of signs came in a very brief lapse of time.
Some small details, that wouldn’t have much meaning in other moments, in that context, suddenly, became little winks in the form of slight details.


telling me I wasn’t going to reach it approaching empty sources.

“Andar hacia los pozos no quita la sed” – Nuevo pequeño catálogo de seres y estares

I sat in this little tent with a monk. He lets me pull an angel card: abundance. A reminder?

- Do you know what that means? He asks.
- You have it in front of your nose, and it is not the card:
“what are you afraid of?”.
- I am getting nothing, less than that, I replied, remembering last year's mantra.
- Nothing to loose, then.

If thirsty, stop drilling for water in empty wells.

1 comentari:

postbabylon ha dit...

That last line sums it all up amigui...